E-Plex 828BPM
Plug & Play Bilge Control
Independent bilge pump control unit with E-Plex monitoring and control capabilities
Quick and reliable install:
Installation time reduced by one hour or more.
Installation is de-skilled.
Straight forward wired connections to
dedicated terminals.
Increased reliability:
Allows for simple programming of periodic
pump exercising via E-Plex control.
Integral current monitoring which can be used to
detect blocked or seized pumps by E-Plex.
Fewer connections increases reliability.
Many levels of redundancy – both float switches will
operate pump (with or without E-Plex active).
Hard wired signals and controls include:
Active high (battery positive) “alarm output”.
Active low (switch to ground / battery negative)
“manual pump run control”
Features to meet craft standards:
Monitored supply status.
Pump run indication.
Alert output on high level.
Remote manual override.
Simpler Stock Holding:
Universal power input (9V – 32V) means one part to
suit 12 and 24 volt systems.
E-Plex signals and contols include:
Power supply available.
Pump output active.
Manual pump operation via E-Plex.
Normal level float switch active.
High level output float switch active.
Pump current draw.